As the cold temperatures continue to inch in moving us closer to winter, the environmental changes can wreak havoc on your skin. The chilly weather is often accompanied by dull, dry, flaky skin that is a result of the harsh, cold air sucking the moisture out of it. To combat this, it is important to protect yourself from the outdoor elements by wearing a hydrating moisturizer, drinking lots of water and covering up your skin as much as you can when the weather is particularly nasty. It can also be very beneficial to do facial’s regularly whether you can get it done professionally or use a sheet mask at home. This October, I visited the Caryl Baker Visage Eaton Centre location for a hydrafacial and walked away with incredibly hydrated and glowing skin that ended up lasting well after the facial was over.

Image courtesy: Caryl Baker Visage

The Process

The Hydrafacial is a 3-step process, which lasts 30 minutes and uses patented technology to cleanse, extract and hydrate the skin. The facialist uses a vortex extraction and cleaning method on the skin, while applying a number of super serums filled with antioxidants, hyaluronic acid and peptides to it. The vortex tip allows for the serums to deeply penetrate the skin and results in painless extraction and cleaner, softer skin. The entire process from start to end is quick and relaxing.

The Benefits

A hydrafacial targets the following:

  • Fine lines and wrinkles
  • Elasticity and firmness
  • Even tone and vibrancy
  • Skin texture
  • Brown Spots, hyper-pigmentation and sun damage
  • Oily and congested skin
  • Enlarged pores

Book a Hydrafacial at the Caryl Baker Visage Eaton Centre location today.

To learn more and to book an appointment visit their website:
