In need of some spiritual healing? While crystals have been around for centuries, the concept of using these supposed magic crystals for healing has since become a current trend for our generation. For those who are curious and thinking about incorporating crystals and gemstones into your life, here’s a mini-guide to healing crystals and what they can do for you. 

cover photo via Vita Perfetta 

There are many different ways to use crystals for healing, and it all depends on your preference and type of crystal you use. For example, you can use it as part of a meditation routine and place the crystals on different areas of your body. 

Which Crystal Is Right For Me?

There are a variety of different crystals, each with its own unique properties. To find out which crystal is right for you, it all depends on what you would like to get out of it. Here are just a few popular crystals that are common among users and great for beginners: 


Clear Quartz

Clear Quartz, Pinterest

The most common and well-known crystal of them all, the Clear Quartz crystal is an essential for everyone. It’s great for clarity, focus, and bringing balance into your life. Clear crystals are known to be absorbent, which is great for clearing and calming the mind as well as cleanse your energies. 


Rose Quartz

Rose Quartz, Pinterest

With its beautiful pink hues, Rose Quartz opens your heart up to unconditional love, and those seeking romance may find luck with the loving energy from the crystal. Deflect anger and bring in some sweetness into your life with this delicate crystal.



As one of the most spiritual crystals to exist, the Amethyst crystal has been used by many cultures for that past few centuries. Traditionally, it was believed to be a powerful and protective stone that could help you tap into higher levels of consciousness and reach a high spiritual vibration. If you’re in need of some uplifting energy, try using Amethyst to guide you.


Black Obsidian

Known as a “protection stone,” the Black Obsidian draws one in with its intense, mysterious vibes. The crystal has healing properties that will aid in protection and keeping you grounded, and is also able to help you let go of negative past mistakes and habits and prevent yourself from making the same ones in the future. 




A powerful stone itself, Citrine is a vibrant stone that emanates joy and positivity into one’s life. Known as the “Light Maker,” this stone brings in positive vibes and is great for ambitious people who have goals that they’d like to attain, such as students and entrepreneurs — as it helps manifest your goals. Filled with empowering energy, this energizing stone keeps you going with its high frequencies.



Mount Lai

Those who have a Jade roller may be familiar with this. A popular mineral for thousands of years particularly in East Asia, Jade is believed to eliminate negative energy and is said to stabilize the personality. With balancing properties, green Jade is used often for physical issues such as digestive problems and flushing toxins out.



Whether you’re a believer or not on if crystals really do work, it doesn’t hurt to try. While there has been no scientific evidence to prove that they actually work, many have supported the use of healing crystals and haven’t stopped using them after incorporating it into their lives. Which crystal will you be using? 


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